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vineri, 15 martie 2013

Romanian teams at Vienna IV Debate Tournament 2013

Vienna IV (8-10 martie)

De 100 de ori mai important decat Eurovision-ul, Bianca Alexandra Prunea si Ioana Georgescu -- broke 3rd la Vienna IV! Felicitari lor, cat si lui Serban Pitic si David Moscovici, care au fost si ei in semifinale.

Vienna IV 2013 is the biggest tournament in British Parliamentary Debating held in Austria and widely known to be the most international event of this sort in Central Europe. We are proud to announce Vienna IV 2013 for March 2013. The two previous editions of Vienna IV have attracted participants from over 45 countries, including the United States, Central and South East Asia, the Middle East, the Balkans and Western Europe. Vienna IV combines the highest quality of debating and adjudicating with magnificent sightseeing and entertaining socials. 

Huge congrats to our lovely Babes Bolyai University A team,Bianca Alexandra Prunea and Ioana Georgescu, for going all the way to the finals of the Vienna IV debate tournament. Also, way to go to the Bucharest team of Serban Pitic and David Moscovici and the other BBU team: Calin Muresanu and Ioana Stupariu!